The Environment is strained and getting worse everyday. Whether you believe man is responsible for it or not is no longer the issue. The truth is we need to act Responsibly and Quickly to do our part to fix it. We need every way available to manage our environment and develop practical solutions.
* Hybrid Water Power Can Help Clean up the Air by reducing emissions dramatically! Some users have dropped their emissions so low, they didn't have to replace a previously failed catalytic converter!
* These systems are Easy and Fast To Install. You can put one in your car in as little as 2-3 hours!
* You can be the first on your block to easily convert your car into a "Water Hybrid"- using a flex fuel! In fact it's the SAFEST Flex fuel because Hydrogen turns back into water when it combusts!You can lead by example!
* Water is the most abundant element available to man! These units use less than a liter of water a week to save 20-30 gallons of gas a month (or more!)
* Increase your mileage by 20%-50% or more for just a few hundred dollars. That's cheaper than an electric Hybrid with better results! Why spend $3000-$4000 more for only 4 MPG increase?
* Lower your engine temperature because the fuel burns faster- less heat is transferred to the block.
* Lowers emissions dramatically! So clean you almost don't need the catalytic converter (which makes it last longer- saving you replacement costs). The by-product of using HHO gas is WATER!
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